Landgraf Ranch


About Us

Landgraf Ranch at Walnut Creek was initiated by Kenny Landgraf in the spring of 2015 with the acquisition of the ranch property in Red Rock, Texas (population 125). Adam Landgraf also had a small ranch parcel in Georgetown, Texas. Combined, these two location make up Landgraf Ranch. Several siblings of Adam & Kenny also participate in the raising and maintenance of the cattle at the ranch.

A visit to the ranch will also give you the opportunity to meet our favorite canines, Brylee and Pepper. Brylee is a registered Australian Shepherd. Pepper is a Border collie mix and was rescued from the humane society. Both Brylee & Pepper are cattle dogs and have been nurturing their nature instinct to herd cattle.

While not originally from Texas (actually we are from New York), members of the Landgraf family have spent most of our lives in Texas and love everything about Texas including its rich history in beef cattle. Cattle drives started in Texas in the 1860’s because Texas had a lots of longhorn and the rest of the country wanted beef. We hope to continue in that tradition to raise and produce premium Wagyu beef.

With any ranch, we wanted to develop a logo and brand for the ranch. Here is a short background on the new logo and brand.

The story of the Brand

Initially, for our first ranch gathering in the spring of 2015, we had a LR logo made representing the extended Landgraf Family, spouses, sons, daughters, dogs, and friends. We are blessed. We wanted a star in our logo to represent our great state of Texas. We also wanted a cross in the logo - you will see it in the left leg of the "R". We do believe Jesus is Lord and Savior. All are welcome here. It's what we believe. We feel blessed that we had the opportunity to acquire this property and share it with family and friends - a place to come together to share life.


We chose green because we liked the look and what green represents. Green is the color of life, nature and health. It represents growth, nature, fertility and safety. The color green is a relaxing color that is pleasing to the eye and is said to have healing powers.

For the "LR" brand font, we chose a straight clean "ranch" font as one of our options. As we continued to study the font, it made us think of fencing, but more than that, straight clean lines. Simple and peaceful, but classy. It just fit what our ranch represents.

We liked the look of the brand on top of a diamond. The diamond represents the following: The point at the top represents are relationship with God. The points to the left and right is our relationship with family and friends. The point to the bottom represents our relationship with creation including the dogs, cows, donkeys, wildlife and the beautiful creation we get to witness and steward.

We hope you enjoyed what this logo and brand represents to us. We are thankful for all the friends that we have made in this new world in a short period of time. We hope you will come join us and spend some quality time at the ranch.

Contact Us

299 Boyd Road
Red Rock, Texas 78662




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