Landgraf Ranch
Welcome to Landgraf Ranch at Walnut Creek. Our ranch is located in Central Texas and we are dedicated to producing high quality Wagyu cattle including primarily Black Wagyu heifers, bulls, semen, and embryos.
Wagyu – the breed that made Kobe Beef famous – refers to all Japanese beef cattle, where “Wa” means Japanese and “gyu” means cow. the generic name for Japanese cattle. Wagyu were originally draft animals used in agriculture and were selected for their physical endurance. This selection favored animals with more intra-muscular fat cells – “marbling” – which provided a readily available energy source. Wagyu is horned breed and the cattle are either black or red in color.
Considered a national treasure by their native country, Wagyu produce the world’s highest marbling, best tasting, and the most healthful beef. This is due to its uniquely high ratio of oleic acid. In fact, according to noted fat expert, Dr. Stephen Smith of Texas A&M University, Wagyu Beef approaches olive oil in health benefits.
Our focus is on providing full blood & pure blood breeding stocks and top-quality bulls for commercial cattlemen. Additionally, we also produce limited delicious Wagyu beef direct to consumer as well as wholesale to our family food trailer, Wagyu on Wheels – creator of Austin’s Best Burger!

Our Breeding Program
at landgraf ranch
Our breeding program made significant investment on original import genetics including highly desired foundation bulls such as Michifuku, Fukutusuru 068, Takazakura, Beijirou, and Kenhanafuji.
More recently, we have added polled genetics out of Bar R Cattle Company. We are excited at the spring 2018 birth of our new DNA verified homozygous polled purebred Wagyu bull with an exceptional pedigree sire of Bar R 52Y, a popular bull in Australia, and pedigree dam of Bar R 5U. This young polled bull is sibling pedigree match to the extremely popular Bar R Arimura 30, with his above-average carcass EPDs.
We enjoy raising and selling cattle that are calm, healthy, and registered.
Breeding for

f1 steers

Wagyu bulls
For more information
Contact us or click the link below.

Wagyu HEifers

Landgraf Ranch
is now selling:
- Wagyu & Angus Cattle Breeding Stock
- Wagyu & Angus Commercial Beef
- Wagyu Embryos
- Wagyu Semen
- F1 Steers